
The Data Science minor offers a rigorous training in this interdisciplinary field, which combines scientific methods, processes, and algorithms to extract knowledge from data and the information it contains. Students complete a required set of DATA courses which focus on fundamental areas of computer science, mathematics, and statistics, as well as ethics and best practices in data science. The scientific method introduced in these courses is what separates modern Data Science from broadly understood data analytics. The proposed program integrates these aspects with an in-depth look into critical ethical and privacy aspects of the modern data-dependent world. This combination creates a unique undergraduate offering and it augments students’ preparation for the data-driven World by providing necessary tools for a broad range of careers, ranging from private sector employment, to government and research.

Our Director

Wojciech Czaja received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA. He is a Professor of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, a co-director of the Norbert Wiener Center, and a Marie Curie Fellow. His research interests range from theoretical harmonic analysis and representation theory, to applications of mathematics in data science and machine learning.